Brand Identity Crisis

Have you ever had an Identity crisis? I had plenty when I was a teenager. Our identity in Christ is so important. If we do not have a strong identity of who we are in Christ, we will begin to identify ourselves with what we do. It is on this foundation of who we are in Christ that keeps us from losing sight of the prize–to see Jesus. So, the same way we need to know who we are in Christ, we need to define our brand identity. Knowing this will build a firm foundation for our business. Have you ever asked the question, “Who am I?” We all have ways of trying to figure out our identity. We can see ourselves as a successful business owner, a triathlete, or an excellent wife. We may see ourselves as a skilled golfer, a health expert, or an excellent cook, but what happens if all these things are taken away? We may feel lost or confused, not knowing what direction to go and hear ourselves retorting statements such as, “I have lost my identity.” Knowing our identity is essential. Knowing our identity in Christ is the most important. The similar question should arise when trying to understand what your business will convey to your customers. How do you want your audience to perceive you? What is your brand identity? How do you want your audience to perceive you?  What is your brand identity?

Brand Identity: Firm foundation

The same way we need a firm foundation in our Identity in Christ; we need a firm foundation with our brand identity. Knowing this will provide solid ground to build your marketing effort and strategies. What do you want your audience to see, think, and feel when they hear the name of your company. A firm foundation will make your company strong and sturdy, truthful and tried, bold and beautiful. Brand Identity is your way of telling your customers, clients—who you are. If your identity is in Christ; you should stand out. You should be different, act different, talk different, and think differently. Proper brand identity will help you stand out in the marketplace. People will know who you are and think and feel a certain way when they see your logo because you can provide them with what they need, and you will do it well. I know when I understand my identity in Christ, I don’t fall prey to the lies of Satan, “I am not good enough,” “Nothing ever works out for me.” “I will never be as good as so and so.”

When my thoughts are like this, my foundation is not firm, and I can lose sight of the plans God has for me. Not knowing your brand identity can have you pondering similar questions about your company. But don’t leave those questions unanswered.

Here is a link that can help you develop your brand identity: 9 Steps to developing brand identity 

Why Brand Identity is important

Personality and consistency

There are people that you meet that can leave an impression on you that is unlike anyone else. We know exactly what to expect when we are with them. What we see of them helps us to understand them better. If every time we meet them, they are different, we might be a little confused and may choose to be with them less. We want our brand to be consistent when communicating our company’s overall message. It is crucial to have a cohesive branding package.


Even Christians are not all the same. God uses their personalities and talents to do and create relationships all across the world. When your audience can differentiate your business from others, it appropriately positions your brand, your business for success. Be creative,  this will help you stand out to potential customers.


A distinctive brand identity helps with awareness. When people are aware of who you are and have more contact with your brand, the more chances you will be able to give them a memorable impression. 


Being authentic is important! When you are a trustworthy company, people will associate that with your brand identity, and before you know it, you will have loyal customers. Producing good product and not just saying you do quality work will keep your customers around for a long time. They will not want to leave and will spread the word to their friends about your fantastic product.   

Just like our Identity in Christ is more than just saying you are a Christian, your brand identity is more than just your business logo.

Your business needs a firm foundation that is solid, serving good products to loyal customers, and has integrity. No superficial fluff here. The same way with our walk with Christ.